Why Learning to Play Guitar is Worth Your Time

Have you ever thought about learning to play guitar? If so, you’re not alone – according to a recent study, almost 30% of Americans say they would like to learn how to play an instrument. While some people may be hesitant to start learning guitar because they think it’s too difficult or time-consuming, there are actually plenty of good reasons to give it a try. 

Music has always been a form of self-expression. For centuries, people have used music to communicate their emotions and share their stories. In recent years, the popularity of guitar playing has exploded. More and more people are picking up guitars and learning how to play. And it’s not just young people. Adults of all ages are rediscovering the joy of making music.

So, why is guitar playing such a popular pastime? There are many reasons. First, playing guitar is a great way to relieve stress. It’s also a lot of fun and can be a great form of self-expression. Additionally, guitar playing can help you meet new people and make new friends. If you’re thinking about picking up a guitar or taking guitar lessons, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Guitar playing helps improve your memory and cognitive skills.

You might not realize it, but playing guitar offers a whole host of benefits for your brain. In fact, studies have shown that learning to play guitar can improve your memory and cognitive skills. So, if you’ve been thinking about picking up a guitar, now might be the perfect time to do it!

Playing guitar requires a great deal of coordination and motor control. As you learn to play chords and strum melodies, you’re actually training your brain to think more quickly and efficiently. This increased cognitive function can then be applied to other areas of your life, such as problem-solving and decision-making.

In addition to improving your cognitive skills, playing guitar also provides a mental workout for your memory. When you first start learning how to play, you have to memorize a lot of new information, such as chord shapes and fretboard patterns. This process of constantly committing new information to memory helps keep your mind sharp and can even help prevent memory decline in later life.

You can learn to play songs by your favorite artists.

Most people who want to learn how to play the guitar start by taking lessons from a guitar teacher. While this is a great way to learn the basics, it can be expensive and time-consuming. Luckily, there are other ways to learn how to play songs by your favorite artists on guitar.

One of the best ways to learn how to play songs by your favorite artists on guitar is by using online guitar tabs. Guitar tabs are simply a visual representation of how to play a song on the guitar. They show you which string to pluck and which fret about placing your finger on. You can find guitar tabs for almost any song online, and they’re usually free.

Another great way to learn how to play songs by your favorite artists on guitar is by watching YouTube videos. There are thousands of videos online that teach you how to play songs step-by-step. You can pause and rewind the video as many times as you need, and you can also slow down the tempo if you’re having trouble keeping up. 

Playing guitar is a great way to relieve stress and tension.

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s more important than ever to find ways to relax and de-stress. For many people, one of the best ways to do this is by playing guitar. Not only is playing guitar a great way to unwind, but it can also help relieve stress and tension. 

One of the best things about playing guitar is that it helps you unwind after a long day. When you play guitar, your mind is focused on the music and not on the stresses of the day. This can help you forget about your troubles and clear your mind. Additionally, playing guitar can help you relax your muscles and release any tension you may be holding in your body.

In addition to helping you unwind, playing guitar can also reduce your overall stress levels. Research has shown that playing an instrument can lower your heart rate and blood pressure, as well as reduce cortisol levels (the stress hormone). So, if you’re looking for a way to lower your stress levels, playing guitar may be the perfect solution.

Not only can playing the guitar reduce your stress levels, but it can also boost your mood. Studies have shown that listening to music can increase dopamine levels in the brain (dopamine is a feel-good chemical). Additionally, playing an instrument can increase serotonin levels (serotonin is another feel-good chemical). So, if you’re feeling down or stressed out, grab your guitar and start strumming away.

Final thoughts 

If you’re on the fence about whether or not learning to play guitar is worth your time, we hope this has helped sway you in the affirmative. From expressed creativity and cognitive benefits to relieving stress, there are plenty of reasons picking up a guitar is a great idea. And who knows, maybe after some practice you’ll be able to impress your friends with songs by their favorite artists!